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Tow Truck Insurance in Illinois

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Tow trucks have many risks, given their size, function, and purpose in towing other vehicles. If you need towing insurance in case of accidents or injuries on the job, Insured ASAP is here for you. We make finding affordable insurance for towing in Illinois easy.

Check out some of the plans we offer and the pricing factors for coverage. We work with various insurance companies to get your the best rates possible.

Tow truck worker securing a car on the platform.

What is Tow Truck Insurance?

If you own a towing business or drive a tow truck as your primary occupation, you need tow truck insurance in case of accidents or liability claims. Towing insurance helps protect drivers and business owners from paying costly out-of-pocket claims, especially in case of automobile accidents, personal injury, or property damage.

Types of Tow Truck Insurance Plans

There are many tow trucking insurance plans to consider. These cover a wide range of situations with appropriate coverage options, primarily

  • Ex CD Garagekeepers Legal Liability Insurance: This plan is perfect for tow trucking companies covering vehicles for fire, theft, and other damages while on your property.
  • On-Hook Towing Insurance: On-hook towing insurance protects vehicles attached to your truck in case of damages while you tow it.
  • Liability Insurance: This insurance covers any third-party damages or personal injuries.
  • Comprehensive and Collision Insurance: Comprehensive and collision insurance provides complete coverage for tow trucking insurance.

Pricing Factors

The price of your insurance plan depends on specific factors, including

  • Type of tow truck you have: Comprehensive and collision coverage typically costs more for newer, high-performance trucks.
  • Occupation: Premiums may also be higher if your job involves high-risk situations, like repossessions.
  • Driver history: As with any auto insurance, insurance companies look at a driver’s age, driving record, and experience before assessing the price of the coverage plan. High-risk drivers, such as those with spotty driving history, will pay more than those deemed lower risk.

Get Affordable Tow Truck Insurance Today!

If you’re looking for affordable tow trucking insurance in Illinois, Insured ASAP is here to help. We have affordable insurance plans for business owners and independent truck drivers. Call us at 800-641-7488 for a free quote from a live representative! Otherwise, look at our application forms if you need tow truck insurance for your business.

Although auto insurance is mandatory in Illinois, we make finding reliable, affordable insurance plans easy!

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