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Car Dealership Insurance Quote | Illinois and Indiana

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We make it easy to compare auto dealers insurance quotes from multiple top-rated companies

Call (800) 641-7488 to speak with a live representative

Get Car Dealership Insurance Quote in Illinois & Indiana

As a used car dealership in states like Illinois and Indiana, you know the obvious risks your car dealership faces year round.  But does your dealers garage liability insurance policy also consider certain liability risks in doing business with employees and the hundreds and thousands of customers visiting your lot each year? 
Not to mention claims arising from buyers who give false information and data to purchase a vehicle, which can be just as damaging to your business as a theft of a vehicle or damage to your inventory.  
Since every business is unique, Insured ASAP considers all aspects of your particular business to create a comprehensive business policy package. You can trust us to make sure you you have the right insurance coverage designed to match the individual aspects of your business.

What does a car dealership policy cover?

A comprehensive used car dealership insurance policy in Illinois or Indiana can include coverage such as:

  • Property damage and bodily injury coverage – covers damage from lot and garage-related operations.
  • Garage keepers – covers damage to vehicles and property left by customers and not owned by your business.
  • Garage-owned autos – covering damage to garage-owned vehicles on the lot or stored.
  • Owned autos – providing protection for claims arising out of ownership and disagreements
  • Hired autos – covers vehicles you or any of your employees rent or borrow for business related purposes.
  • Non-owned autos – cover your partners, employees or members of households using personal vehicles for your business or personal affairs.
  • Newly acquired autos – protect new or additional autos acquired during the policy period.

Optional Car Dealership Insurance Coverage

Insured ASAP also offers your used car dealer more complete coverage at the lowest rates, including:

  • Physical Damage / Open Lot Coverage  – to protect the vehicles on your lot for both collision damage as well as comprehensive damage.

Car Dealership Insurance Quote?

Insured ASAP provides Illinois and Indiana used auto dealers with the most affordable insurance packages available today.  Because there is no one-size-fits all insurance policy available, our agents can help build the most affordable policy for your car dealership.

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