Facebook Pixel Step-by-Step Guide To Reinstate Your Suspended License Plates in Illinois - 2024


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A Step-by-Step Guide To Reinstate Your Suspended License Plates in Illinois – 2024

license plate reinstatement

Uninsured vehicle owners in Illinois have been receiving license plate suspension notices from the Illinois Secretary of State’s office at a shocking rate throughout 2024.  If you’re reading this, odds are you’ve received a letter in the mail from the IL Secretary of State warning you of a pending suspension notice — or worse, that your license plates are suspended for no insurance and that a $100 reinstatement fee has been applied.

In many cases, drivers are only made aware of a suspended license plates during a traffic stop. In earlier years, law enforcement was a little more lenient on issuing tickets and fines, as this insurance verification system was new.  But throughout 2023 and into 2024, they have been citing and towing vehicles away for driving on suspended license plates.

How to Reinstate Suspended License Plates in Illinois

If your license plates have been suspended in Illinois, odds are the vehicle you are driving is uninsured.  To reinstate your suspended license plates, start with purchasing auto liability insurance from an agency who is registered with the State of Illinois Insurance Verification System.  Once auto liability insurance is in place, an agent can provide the State of Illinois with the required documents and get your license plates reinstated immediately.

how to reinstate suspended license plates illinois 2024

To reinstate your suspended license plates in Illinois, contact us today.  Our licensed agents are registered with the State of Illinois Insurance Verification System and can upload necessary insurance documents and clear suspended license plates INSTANTLY.

Everything You Need to Know About Illinois Mandatory Insurance Verification Program

Beginning June of 2021, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office began to enforce a mandatory liability insurance verification program, P.A. Act 100-0373, which was developed in 2019 for ALL vehicles registered in the state of Illinois.  This continues into 2024 and is not expected to go away anytime soon.

How Does The Illinois Insurance Verification Program Work?

In short, insurance companies doing business in the state of Illinois are required to upload a list of active policy holder information into a ILIVIS, a third-party portal that acts as a database.  The state of Illinois then uses this data to cross check with their database of registered vehicles.  

The Secretary of State will then select a random portion of these registered vehicles that are subject to the Mandatory Insurance Verification Program, but noncompliant with mandatory liability insurance, and mail them out suspension notices.  The fine to remove a pending license plate suspension or reinstate a suspended license plate is $100.  Once your registration or vehicle license plates are suspended, your vehicle cannot be driven by anyone.  The minimum fine for driving a suspended vehicle is $1,000.

To reinstate your suspended license plates in Illinois, contact us today.  Our licensed agents are registered with the State of Illinois Insurance Verification System and can upload necessary insurance documents and clear suspended license plates in minutes.

Request For Insurance Verification Letter

The Illinois Secretary of State will attempt to match your registered vehicle to a database of registered vehicles.  If your vehicle’s vin number is not matched to an active insurance policy, the ILSOS will mail a Request for Insurance Verification Letter.  This letter will notify you that your registered vehicle did not match on the ILIVS database of insured vehicles and request that you take action to prevent license plate suspension.

license plate reinstatement illinois ilivs letter verification insurance

If You Had Liability Insurance

If your vehicle did have liability insurance on the verification date, you must provide the letter to your insurance company or an agent registered with the ILIVS system.  The agent will electronically transmit your insurance information to ILIVS using your license plate number, vin number, and/or reference number provided by the ILSOS.

If You Did Not Have Liability Insurance

If your vehicle did not have liability insurance on the requested verification date, you must provide your letter to an insurance agency and purchase liability insurance.  Once liability insurance is obtained, a $100 reinstatement fee must be paid in order to remove the pending suspension notice or reinstate your suspended registration.

If Your Vehicle Is Inoperable or Doesn’t Run

If your vehicle is not being driven on Illinois roadways and is stored and inoperable, you will be required to fill out an electronic affidavit with an electronic signature.  Once the vehicle is back in running condition, the Illinois Secretary of State must be notified.

If You Sold Your Vehicle

If the vehicle has been sold and your license plates are no longer being used, you may surrender your license plates at any Illinois Drivers License Facility.

How to Check If Your License Plates Are Suspended 

If you’re wondering how to check if your license plates are suspended in Illinois, you can run a search on the Illinois Secretary of State’s website.  This will show you certain details about your vehicle including whether your license plates are suspended, registration expiration date, address, and license plate look up.

To simply things, we’ve made it simple to check the status of your suspended license plates in Illinois.  Send us a message now with your ILIVS reference number, vin number or license plate number, and one of our agents will reply with the status of your license plates.

What Happens If You Did Not Have Insurance On The Verification Date

If your vehicle was not insured on the conviction date and this was your first offense, your license plate will be suspended until you purchase the minimum liability insurance policy and pay the Illinois Secretary of State a reinstatement fee of $100.  

license suspended for no insurance illinois

How To Reinstate Your Suspended License Plate in Illinois

If your license plates are suspended for no insurance in Illinois, you do have a few solutions.  Driving with suspended license plates in Illinois can result in a minimum fine of $1,000.  Insured ASAP is a licensed Illinois agency that works with over a dozen insurance carriers to provide low cost auto insurance.  Our agency can help provide you with the required liability insurance for your vehicle and clear your pending suspension electronically and in just one phone call.  Get legal and get back on the road within minutes.

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