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The Trusted Source For Vape Store Insurance

smoke vape shop insurance

Vaping is still a popular trend in the United States.  Typically, people vape for recreation while others use electronic cigarettes as a means of quitting cigarette smoking.  Becomes of this new technology, vape stores have always had a difficult time obtaining the proper, yet affordable, insurance coverage for their retail or wholesale vape stores.

Business insurance for vape shops protects business owners against a wide variety of risks.  General liability insurance coverage protects a business from injuries caused by business operations or products sold.  Business personal property helps protect your inventory and store fixtures among others.

Why Vape Insurance is Vital

In the tobacco industry, stores that sell tobacco products such as cigarettes, loose tobacco, cigars, etc. are protected on the products they sell by the big tobacco companies.  Because vape products including e-cigarettes, vape juice or liquid, disposable e-cigs, are still in a world of their own with no federal regulation, selling these products may be of great risk to vape shop owners.  All business owners, including vape shop owners, are legally responsible for the products they sell.

Vape Shop Insurance Quote

Insured ASAP is a commercial insurance agency that focuses on the specific needs of small business owners.  Our ability to quote coverage from a variety of national insurance carriers allows us to find affordable insurance for your small business.

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